Sabtu, 10 April 2010

The 3 Most Important Components to be Successful Online

The 3 Most Important Components to be Successful Online

Guest Post by AshleyIf you destine to be a top internet marketer then you need to build for the long run rather than short term, I am going to explain the three most vital components which will keep you and your business running for long term and which will start to make you money over and over again. The three main aspects you need are:- A list- Traffic- An OfferWith these three components in place you will understand why the top marketers are making so much money online and I am now going to explain each one in more detail.A ListThe money is not in the list but it is in a responsive list. This is a key point you need to remember when you start building your own list. The truth is building a list should be your number one priority for long-term success as no one can take your list away from you. The simple fact is once you have your own list you can generate income on demand with a simple email. So as you can imagine the more people you have on your list that respond to your emails the more money you are going to make over time. This does not matter what niche you are in as long as you can offer you list “cool stuff” which will benefit them, when it comes to you recommending them a product they will be ready to buy through you as you have given them such great cool stuff in the past.I won’t be the first person to tell you building a list is important and I won’t be the last person either. The truth is until you start to build your own list you will not understand the true potential of having your own list of subscribers.TrafficWithout traffic nothing else really matters! Without traffic you cannot build your list, without traffic you cannot sell products and so on. There is so many different ways of driving traffic in this day and age and the fact again is the more traffic you can drive to your desired website the more results you are going to produce whether it is building your list or selling products. I cannot go into to much depth about how to generate traffic because there is so many different ways but I will list a few of the more common methods.- Article Marketing- Forum Marketing- Banner Ads- SEO- Paid Advertising (Adwords, Facebook)- Social MediaLike I said the list goes on. Once you get the right method working for you that traffic will continue to flow to your site over and over.OfferWhat I mean when I talk about having an offer is in the terms of either having your own product or in the sense of what you are going to give away to build your list (lead magnet.) In order for someone to give you their email address you have to give something in return. I always say you need to make sure what you are giving away to obtain an email address has to be something of great value which you could actually go out and sell. This is where giving away “cool stuff” comes into play.So as well having your own product is going to generate you a massive amount of income and stability within you’re area of Internet marketing. Once you have your own product it will continue to work for you for many years. The simple fact also is once you have created your product you can get others to sell it for you (affiliates and JV’s) Product creation can take a very long time and a lot of effort but you do reap the rewards for your hard work as with your own product not only will you make sales continuously you will also be building a responsive list so you kill two birds with one stone.Author Bio:If you are looking to further yourself as an Internet Marketer then you need to grab your free copy of Conquer Internet Marketing Monthly which is a Online Internet Marketing magazine which will help take you and your business to the next level. Get your Free Issue here

Squeeze Page Tutorial – 5 Tips You Can Use Today
Posted by Alan Liew 3:21 PM
Guest Post by Welly Mulia If you’re marketing your products and services on the Internet, whether it’s a digital or physical product, you need to capture your website visitors’ contact information – specifically their email address (which is what this squeeze page tutorial is all about).This is very important because there are so many websites today that are competing for the eyeballs of your visitors. If you can’t capture their email address, then chances are they are NOT going to come back to your website again, forever.You need to create a squeeze page TODAY.A squeeze page is a very simple website whose ONE AND ONLY purpose is to capture the visitors’ email address by giving them some kind of VALUABLE Freebie. It is different in a blog in the sense that a squeeze page is typically only 1 page long with very little content designed to entice visitors to give their email address.A blog, on the other hand, typically contains a lot of content spread across hundreds of pages that educate, teach and inform its audience.Today I’d like to share with you 5 powerful tips that you can use to create a HIGH converting squeeze page:1. Be ConciseFirst rule is NOT to beat around the bush and instead get right to the offer you’re making your visitors.Yes, even though you’re giving away a Freebie (which costs nothing), you STILL need to sell them on taking up your offer.There are tons of websites offering Freebies – why should they choose your Freebie over others? People are also getting tired of email spam and they’ve become more wary and reluctant to give away their email address.They have VERY SHORT attention span these days, thanks to the millions of websites that are competing for their attention every minute of every day.Thus, you should be concise and get to the point FAST.2. Use Benefits And CuriosityPeople want to look for information that benefits them.What do they get if they sign up for your Freebie? What’s in it for them?You have to spell out the BENEFITS of what they’re going to get in a CLEAR, STEP-BY-STEP manner so that they understand what they can expect from your Freebie. Assume that your visitors are dumb and need to spoon-feed.I don’t mean that in a bad way. I want you to think of your visitors that way so that your benefits are CRYSTAL-CLEAR to them.Also add in elements of CURIOSITY whenever possible to SPICE up your offer to make it more enticing so that they crave for your Freebie even more.3. Above The FoldPlace your opt-in form (the place where visitors enter their email address) ABOVE THE FOLD to make it stand out and obvious.Above the fold means the TOP display area on your computer screen without having to scroll down.We humans read from top to bottom – by placing this opt-in form above the fold, most likely your visitors are NOT going to miss that.4. BIG Opt-In Form And BIG Subscribe ButtonWhen you place your opt-in form above the fold, you’re already making it (the form) stand out from the other elements on the squeeze page.However, if you want to FURTHER increase your conversion rate, you should use a BIG opt-in form and a BIG subscribe button too to make your form stand out even more.5. Use FREE and INSTANT (in caps lock)As much as I hate to admit it, we humans are GREEDY and IMPATIENT creatures.You should utilize this knowledge to capitalize your list building efforts. Use the word “FREE” and “INSTANT” in capital letters and if possible, in different fonts and colors as well to make them stand out.When people see these two words, their eyes will “pop-out” and light with glitter.Above are 5 tips you can use TODAY to give your squeeze page conversion a boost. Simply knowing these 5 tips is NOT enough; make sure that you USE and IMPLEMENT them to REALLY increase your squeeze page conversion.As the saying goes “To know and not yet to do, is not yet to know”…What do you think about the squeeze page tutorial above? Let me know in a comment below…

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