Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Memajang Backlink Di Blog Anda

Memajang Backlink Di Blog Anda

Pertama-tama, apa itu backlink?Backlink adalah link yang dipasang di situs atau blog lain yang mengarah ke situs atau blog yang anda miliki.Kedua, mengapa backlink penting?Backlink penting dalam menentukan peringkat atau ranking situs atau blog anda dalam mesin pencari seperti Google, Yahoo, dll. Semakin banyak link yang mengarah ke blog anda maka semakin tinggi juga peringkat blog anda pada mesin pencari, sehingga blog anda mendapat halaman utama atau peringkat utama ketika mesin pencari memberikan hasil pencarian. Di sisi lain, backlink dalam postingan blog lain juga akan menambah jumlah blog reaction kepada blog anda sehingga berpeluang menaikan ranking blog anda di Technorati. Intinya seh simpel aja, bukankah semakin banyak yang nge-link ke kita, semakin besar blog kita berpeluang untuk diakses lebih banyak orang?Bagaimana caranya agar bisa mendapat backlink?Anda memang bisa menaruh link anda di blog lain pada shoutboxnya namun itu tidak akan menambah pagerank anda. Anda juga meninggalkan alamat blog anda ketika memberikan komentar, namun beberapa blog menggunakan sistem 'no follow' (atau memilih untuk tidak mendaftarkan link anda ke mesin pencari) untuk mencegah aksi spambot di bagian komentar. Cara terbaik ialah ketika blog anda di-link oleh blog lain di dalam postingan mereka. Jadi bukan di blogrollnya (karena gak bakal ngaruh apa-apa kepada traffic dari search engine ke blog anda), namun di dalam postingannya. Anda bisa lakukan ini dengan cara langsung atau tidak langsung. Cara langsung ialah dengan memberitahu teman anda untuk selalu memberikan link blog anda ketika mereka menyebut nama anda dalam postingan mereka. Cara tidak langsung ialah dengan membuat tulisan yang semenarik atau sekontroversial mungkin sehingga akan banyak pembaca blog yang tertarik untuk membalas postingan anda (membuat trackback) dalam postingan blog mereka.Bagaimana caranya mengetahui blog mana saja yang memberi link ke blog anda dalam postingan mereka?Simpel sebenarnya. Tinggal pergi ke Google Blogsearch di alamat: lalu masukan di box pencarian atau di sana. Setelah itu anda bisa melihat langsung blog mana saja yang sudah memasang backlink ke alamat anda lewat postingan mereka.Bagaimana caranya memajang backlink di sidebar blog?Gampang juga. Jika anda perhatikan di sisi sidebar kiri bagian bawah dari Google Blogsearch ada terdapat link Atom dan RSS. Anda cukup meng-copy salah satu alamat mereka dan memasukkannya sebagai feed di sidebar blog anda. Jika anda belum tahu cara memasang feed, buka blogger anda, lalu di dashboard pilih layout blog anda. Nanti akan timbul skema blog anda yang bisa anda edit. Pilih add a new element. Lalu pilih Feed. Masukan alamat feed atom atau RSS dari hasil pencarian backlink anda tadi. Atur posisinya di sidebar. Lalu save. Sekarang backlink blog anda sudah terpajang di halaman utama.Saya mau beri backlink buat Jed?Memberikan backlink ke blog ini memberikan beberapa manfaat. Blog anda akan muncul di sidebar blog ini dan kemungkinan mendapat traffic tambahan karena blog ini dikunjungi minimal 40 orang setiap harinya. Silahkan saja kasih link ke atau di postingan blog anda. Sesudah anda publish, silahkan ping Google. Dalam hitungan menit, blog anda sudah tampak di sidebar blog ini. Gak percaya? ya coba aja.

Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Back Link Blog

Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Back Link Blog

Jelang Google update page rank yang di prediksi sekitar akhir Maret dan awal April 2010 baca di sini infonya.Untuk mendapatkan page rank web/blog, adalah dengan mendapatkan back link sebanyak-banyaknya, yaitu dengan cara bertukar link dengan blog yang berpage rank tinggi atau dengan meninggalkan komentar di weg/blog yang dofollow.Berikut ini Saya ingin membagikan tips Cara Mudah Mendapatkan Back Link Blog/web dengan cara berkomentar di web/blog lain, apalagi blog yang kita komentari itu menganut azas “DOFOLLOW BLOG“, wah beruntung sekali kita mendapatkan “one way link”(link satu arah).Agar Back Link Blog/web dapat anda peroleh, ada baiknya anda harus mengikuti beberapa tahap yang akan saya jelaskan di bawah ini.1. Jangan gunakan nama pada kotak isian nama ketika memberikan komentar, sebaiknya, gunakan kata kunci yang anda targetkan. jadi jangan gunakan misal “Osi” melainkan “Diary Osi” atau judul blog anda, karena Kata kunci adalah kata yang dipakai orang untuk mencari informasi tertentu di Search Engine.Nah inilah yang disebut “anchor text” dan punya pengaruh sangat besar agar web/blog kita menjadi teratas di search engine.2. Pada alamat website, anda isikan alamat web/blog yang mau anda jadikan urutan teratas. Lebih bagus lagi jika anda gunakan alamat halaman utama/home page, bukan url profil anda.3. Pada Isi komentar anda, pastikan anda memberikan komentar yang baik atau sesuai dengan topik. Bukan sampah(spam).Maksudnya agar komentar anda tidak di hapus Admin web/blog bersangkutan.Saya rasa info yang saya dapat ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda dalam mengejar Page rank web/blog......Bila ada hal yang kurang lengkap, saya mohon maaf, karena saya juga masih dalam tahap proses belajar.

Tips Menaikkan Page Rank - Google update page rank

Tips Menaikkan Page Rank - Google update page rank

Menurut pemerhati kalangan dunia blogger, google update page rank dilakukan setiap 3 atau 4 bulan sekali.Tepat di akhir Maret atau awal April 2010, telah di prediksi bahwa google update page rank akan di laksanakan, jadi bersiaplah untuk menerima kemajuan atau kemunduran pagerank blogger anda.Anda bisa melihat prediksi/perkiraan pagerank blogger anda di Google Pagerank prediction tool , PR prediction + recorder , Google PageRank Prediction , Pr Checking ToolBanyak hal yang dapat di lakukan untuk mendapatkan page rank, salah satunya dengan memperbanyak Backlink/bertukar link dari situs lain yang berpagerank lebih tinggi.Berikut ini adalah daftar blog berpagerank tinggi dan juga dofollow, yang bisa anda kunjungi dan mendapatkan backlink.Walau butuh kesabaran dari itu semua tidak ada salahnya anda untuk mencoba.Blog indonesiaPagerank 6http://harry.sufehmi.comdirektori dofollow berpagerank tinggi* PageRank 6* PageRank 6* PageRank 5* PageRank 5* PageRank 5* PageRank 5* PageRank 4* PageRank 4* PageRank 4* PageRank 4* PageRank 4Situs ini juga bisa memberikan sobat backlink, jika sobat tertarik, berikut ada beberapa situs yang bisa sobat kunjungi :1. http://www.ezinearticles.com2. http://www.articlebiz.com3. http://www.articledashboard.com4. http://www.approvedarticles.com5. http://www.articletrader.com6. http://www.articlecube.com7. http://www.a1-articledirectory.com8. http://www.earticlesonline.com9. http://www.myarticlemall.com10. http://www.articlecity.comPagerank yang telah ada pada url tersebut di atas bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.
Untuk lebih jelasnya langkah-langkah meningkatkan page rank silahkan anda ke Tips Page RankPerlu di ingat !!!Page rank bukanlah segalanya, yang terpenting adalah seberapa besar pengunjung yang datang ke blog anda.
Semoga bermanfaat

Learn How to Make Money with AdSense

Learn How to Make Money with AdSense

Joel Comm, a successful internet marketer which earn 5 figures monthly AdSense revenue has published a new book calls The AdSense Code in May has ranks #3 in And now the book is a New Yorks Times Paperback Best Seller, reaching #6 on the charts. This has proven that Google AdSense is now a popular way of making money with a websites and there are many people interested in learning how to make money with AdSense.Making money with AdSense is definitely easier versus generating online sales but it does involve time, money and effort before you start earning any money from AdSense program.If you are interested to learn how to start making money with AdSense this book will sure help you. Here the link to get the book.http://www.theadsensecode.comA lot of Joel's readers have been able to increase their AdSense figure after reading The AdSense Code.

Make Money online with Affiliate Programs

Make Money online with Affiliate Programs

I just found a free affiliate training program. The program was developed by a 22 years old affiliate marketer, Anik Singal who has earned $10,466 in 60 days with only 1-2 hours of works every day. Below is the link to get this free info. will share his techniques which was used to make $10,466 in 60 days in this training program. This program will help you get your business started.

Adwords Made Easy - Free Tips for Making Money Online

Adwords Made Easy - Free Tips for Making Money Online

3 weeks ago Brad Callen, Owner of has released a free ebook calls Google Adwords Made easy. This ebook is created to teach people how to make money online using PPC advertising (Google Adwords). You will learn how to use Adwords effectively for your online business, Adwords keyword strategies and much more........Here the link to download this free ebook. reading and hope you get more strategies to use Google AdWords for your online business.

Ways to Make Money Online

Ways to Make Money Online

By Alan LiewOnline4income.comHere's how you can make money online:Make Money Online With A Free BlogBlog or weblog is simply a website with continuous updates on a particular subject or topic and the latest post will stay on the top. For instance, If your blog is about motorcycle. You can post the latest news and announcements from motorcycle manufacturers, discuss about the latest models of motorcycles and the best components used for producing motorcycles. You can create a blog absolutely free by joing Creating a blog with is easy as you don't need any technical knowledge and you can have your blog published within an hours.There are several ways you can make money with a blog:Place revenue generating Ads on your blogYou can join Google AdSense program and start earning advertising revenue from your blog.Sell Other People's StuffYou can promote your affiliate programs by placing the affiliate links and banners on your blog and earn commission whenever someone clicks through an affiliate link or banner to your merchant's website made a purchase.Sell Your Own ProductBlog can be used to promote and sell your own products too. You can write about your products' features and benefits on the blog.Sell Products or Services OnlineYou can set up an online store to sell a wide variety of products. However, it will cost you few thousands dollars to start an e-store. One way to start an online business with minimum capital is deal with drop ship wholesalers. So how drop shipping works?- A drop ship distributor is a wholesale company that will ship one product directly to your customer.- You don't need to pay for an item unless it is sold.- You don't store any inventory.- You don't package and ship merchandise.- Your customer pays the retail price for the product to you and you pay the cost of the product to the drop ship distributor. The difference is your profit.Drop shipping system makes it affordable for anyone to start an online business due to the benefits it offers. EBay is the best place for you to start selling your products with drop shipping system. One strategy you can try is sell the similar items to the one that have attracted several bids in eBay. For instance, say you have opened an account with a cell phone drop ship dealer and ready to sell cell phone on eBay. You found that a Nokia 8810 cell phone have attracted 7 bids, so what you can try to do is list the similar item immediately with lowest price possible. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will make any money with this strategy. There are many more auction selling ideas you can find from the Internet which can help you make a steady income on eBay.Be a FreelancerThere are many freelance job sites consist of a long list of freelance job contracts. These freelance sites usually offer the following jobs:1) IT jobs (web-design, Jawa, PHP, script-installation, programming, graphic design and so on)2) Writing & Editing Jobs3) Administrative support (Data entry) & accounting services.You may join several freelance sites for free and start bidding for the projects and contracts that are right for you. You can also make extra money writing articles and essays. There are places and websites where you can sell your articles and essays for a price anywhere between $5 to 25 per article. Furthermore, there are forums and blogs offer to pay anyone who post message and article to their websites.Be an AffiliateAffiliate makes money online by selling other people's stuff. An affiliate earns commission whenever someone sent by him/her to his/her merchant's website makes a purchase. Clickbank is one of the best places you can find an affiliate program to join because it is the largest e-book store and contains a ton of merchants looking for people to sell their e-books. The main task of affiliates is promote and advertise their merchants' websites (affiliate links). One method to promote affiliate program is advertise on Google. To advertise on Google you'll first need to open a Google AdWords account. You can start advertise on Google immediately after paying $5 account activation fee. Your cost of advertising is calculated in pay-per-click (PPC) basis. This means that Google will only charge you whenever someone clicks your text ad.Paid SurveyTaking online paid survey at home is an easy way to make money online as you don't need any special skills and knowledge to complete paid survey job. In order to increase the money you can earn, you need to join as many market research and survey companies as possible. However you can't expect how much money you will make monthly because you have no idea when a paid survey invitation will send to your mail box. Thus it is not an ideal way to make a wage but a great way to make some extra income for paying your monthly bills.

Google's AdWord Latest Changes

Google's AdWord Latest Changes

I have been told by several Internet marketers that Google Adword has been making some drastic changes lately. Some keywords' required minimum bids increased from $.50 to $5.00 per click which directly affected a number of advertisers who spend more than $10k on Adword monthly. These advertisers will no longer choose to or able to use Adword for their businesses due to the significant increase of the minimum bids on their keywords.It seems that Google is telling these people "We no longer want your money go advertise somewhere else."As mentioned by John Reese"It appears as if their latest changes are mostly affecting SQUEEZE PAGES. In other words, landing pages that go for the opt-in before showing a sales letter or the bulk of the site's content". Currently Google has not revealed the real reasons behind these changes. I'll post more updates here once I receive more news about this matter.

Free Internet Marketing E-books

Free Internet Marketing E-books is a membership site that provides internet marketing and moneymaking ebooks, resources and software. The site offers three type of memberships: Free membership, Silver membership and Gold lifetime membership. You can join as a free member to download a lot ebooks and information that can help you get started to make money online or increase your earning and profit on current online business.

More Updates on Google Adword's Changes

More Updates on Google Adword's Changes

Futher to my previous post about Adword's changes, I have now received a report created by with comprehensive information about Google Adword's latest chances. This report tells you what kinds of sites were affected by the chances and what you should do if you are making money online using Adword. You will learn how to get you minimum bid back to reasonalbe level for a site that has been affected. Get a copy of this report here. The report also provides explanation on Google's new landing pages algorithm and much more.........

Squeeze Page Tutorial – 5 Tips You Can Use Today

Squeeze Page Tutorial – 5 Tips You Can Use Today

Guest Post by Welly Mulia If you’re marketing your products and services on the Internet, whether it’s a digital or physical product, you need to capture your website visitors’ contact information – specifically their email address (which is what this squeeze page tutorial is all about).This is very important because there are so many websites today that are competing for the eyeballs of your visitors. If you can’t capture their email address, then chances are they are NOT going to come back to your website again, forever.You need to create a squeeze page TODAY.A squeeze page is a very simple website whose ONE AND ONLY purpose is to capture the visitors’ email address by giving them some kind of VALUABLE Freebie. It is different in a blog in the sense that a squeeze page is typically only 1 page long with very little content designed to entice visitors to give their email address.A blog, on the other hand, typically contains a lot of content spread across hundreds of pages that educate, teach and inform its audience.Today I’d like to share with you 5 powerful tips that you can use to create a HIGH converting squeeze page:1. Be ConciseFirst rule is NOT to beat around the bush and instead get right to the offer you’re making your visitors.Yes, even though you’re giving away a Freebie (which costs nothing), you STILL need to sell them on taking up your offer.There are tons of websites offering Freebies – why should they choose your Freebie over others? People are also getting tired of email spam and they’ve become more wary and reluctant to give away their email address.They have VERY SHORT attention span these days, thanks to the millions of websites that are competing for their attention every minute of every day.Thus, you should be concise and get to the point FAST.2. Use Benefits And CuriosityPeople want to look for information that benefits them.What do they get if they sign up for your Freebie? What’s in it for them?You have to spell out the BENEFITS of what they’re going to get in a CLEAR, STEP-BY-STEP manner so that they understand what they can expect from your Freebie. Assume that your visitors are dumb and need to spoon-feed.I don’t mean that in a bad way. I want you to think of your visitors that way so that your benefits are CRYSTAL-CLEAR to them.Also add in elements of CURIOSITY whenever possible to SPICE up your offer to make it more enticing so that they crave for your Freebie even more.3. Above The FoldPlace your opt-in form (the place where visitors enter their email address) ABOVE THE FOLD to make it stand out and obvious.Above the fold means the TOP display area on your computer screen without having to scroll down.We humans read from top to bottom – by placing this opt-in form above the fold, most likely your visitors are NOT going to miss that.4. BIG Opt-In Form And BIG Subscribe ButtonWhen you place your opt-in form above the fold, you’re already making it (the form) stand out from the other elements on the squeeze page.However, if you want to FURTHER increase your conversion rate, you should use a BIG opt-in form and a BIG subscribe button too to make your form stand out even more.5. Use FREE and INSTANT (in caps lock)As much as I hate to admit it, we humans are GREEDY and IMPATIENT creatures.You should utilize this knowledge to capitalize your list building efforts. Use the word “FREE” and “INSTANT” in capital letters and if possible, in different fonts and colors as well to make them stand out.When people see these two words, their eyes will “pop-out” and light with glitter.Above are 5 tips you can use TODAY to give your squeeze page conversion a boost. Simply knowing these 5 tips is NOT enough; make sure that you USE and IMPLEMENT them to REALLY increase your squeeze page conversion.As the saying goes “To know and not yet to do, is not yet to know”…What do you think about the squeeze page tutorial above? Let me know in a comment below…

The 3 Most Important Components to be Successful Online

The 3 Most Important Components to be Successful Online

Guest Post by AshleyIf you destine to be a top internet marketer then you need to build for the long run rather than short term, I am going to explain the three most vital components which will keep you and your business running for long term and which will start to make you money over and over again. The three main aspects you need are:- A list- Traffic- An OfferWith these three components in place you will understand why the top marketers are making so much money online and I am now going to explain each one in more detail.A ListThe money is not in the list but it is in a responsive list. This is a key point you need to remember when you start building your own list. The truth is building a list should be your number one priority for long-term success as no one can take your list away from you. The simple fact is once you have your own list you can generate income on demand with a simple email. So as you can imagine the more people you have on your list that respond to your emails the more money you are going to make over time. This does not matter what niche you are in as long as you can offer you list “cool stuff” which will benefit them, when it comes to you recommending them a product they will be ready to buy through you as you have given them such great cool stuff in the past.I won’t be the first person to tell you building a list is important and I won’t be the last person either. The truth is until you start to build your own list you will not understand the true potential of having your own list of subscribers.TrafficWithout traffic nothing else really matters! Without traffic you cannot build your list, without traffic you cannot sell products and so on. There is so many different ways of driving traffic in this day and age and the fact again is the more traffic you can drive to your desired website the more results you are going to produce whether it is building your list or selling products. I cannot go into to much depth about how to generate traffic because there is so many different ways but I will list a few of the more common methods.- Article Marketing- Forum Marketing- Banner Ads- SEO- Paid Advertising (Adwords, Facebook)- Social MediaLike I said the list goes on. Once you get the right method working for you that traffic will continue to flow to your site over and over.OfferWhat I mean when I talk about having an offer is in the terms of either having your own product or in the sense of what you are going to give away to build your list (lead magnet.) In order for someone to give you their email address you have to give something in return. I always say you need to make sure what you are giving away to obtain an email address has to be something of great value which you could actually go out and sell. This is where giving away “cool stuff” comes into play.So as well having your own product is going to generate you a massive amount of income and stability within you’re area of Internet marketing. Once you have your own product it will continue to work for you for many years. The simple fact also is once you have created your product you can get others to sell it for you (affiliates and JV’s) Product creation can take a very long time and a lot of effort but you do reap the rewards for your hard work as with your own product not only will you make sales continuously you will also be building a responsive list so you kill two birds with one stone.Author Bio:If you are looking to further yourself as an Internet Marketer then you need to grab your free copy of Conquer Internet Marketing Monthly which is a Online Internet Marketing magazine which will help take you and your business to the next level. Get your Free Issue here

Squeeze Page Tutorial – 5 Tips You Can Use Today
Posted by Alan Liew 3:21 PM
Guest Post by Welly Mulia If you’re marketing your products and services on the Internet, whether it’s a digital or physical product, you need to capture your website visitors’ contact information – specifically their email address (which is what this squeeze page tutorial is all about).This is very important because there are so many websites today that are competing for the eyeballs of your visitors. If you can’t capture their email address, then chances are they are NOT going to come back to your website again, forever.You need to create a squeeze page TODAY.A squeeze page is a very simple website whose ONE AND ONLY purpose is to capture the visitors’ email address by giving them some kind of VALUABLE Freebie. It is different in a blog in the sense that a squeeze page is typically only 1 page long with very little content designed to entice visitors to give their email address.A blog, on the other hand, typically contains a lot of content spread across hundreds of pages that educate, teach and inform its audience.Today I’d like to share with you 5 powerful tips that you can use to create a HIGH converting squeeze page:1. Be ConciseFirst rule is NOT to beat around the bush and instead get right to the offer you’re making your visitors.Yes, even though you’re giving away a Freebie (which costs nothing), you STILL need to sell them on taking up your offer.There are tons of websites offering Freebies – why should they choose your Freebie over others? People are also getting tired of email spam and they’ve become more wary and reluctant to give away their email address.They have VERY SHORT attention span these days, thanks to the millions of websites that are competing for their attention every minute of every day.Thus, you should be concise and get to the point FAST.2. Use Benefits And CuriosityPeople want to look for information that benefits them.What do they get if they sign up for your Freebie? What’s in it for them?You have to spell out the BENEFITS of what they’re going to get in a CLEAR, STEP-BY-STEP manner so that they understand what they can expect from your Freebie. Assume that your visitors are dumb and need to spoon-feed.I don’t mean that in a bad way. I want you to think of your visitors that way so that your benefits are CRYSTAL-CLEAR to them.Also add in elements of CURIOSITY whenever possible to SPICE up your offer to make it more enticing so that they crave for your Freebie even more.3. Above The FoldPlace your opt-in form (the place where visitors enter their email address) ABOVE THE FOLD to make it stand out and obvious.Above the fold means the TOP display area on your computer screen without having to scroll down.We humans read from top to bottom – by placing this opt-in form above the fold, most likely your visitors are NOT going to miss that.4. BIG Opt-In Form And BIG Subscribe ButtonWhen you place your opt-in form above the fold, you’re already making it (the form) stand out from the other elements on the squeeze page.However, if you want to FURTHER increase your conversion rate, you should use a BIG opt-in form and a BIG subscribe button too to make your form stand out even more.5. Use FREE and INSTANT (in caps lock)As much as I hate to admit it, we humans are GREEDY and IMPATIENT creatures.You should utilize this knowledge to capitalize your list building efforts. Use the word “FREE” and “INSTANT” in capital letters and if possible, in different fonts and colors as well to make them stand out.When people see these two words, their eyes will “pop-out” and light with glitter.Above are 5 tips you can use TODAY to give your squeeze page conversion a boost. Simply knowing these 5 tips is NOT enough; make sure that you USE and IMPLEMENT them to REALLY increase your squeeze page conversion.As the saying goes “To know and not yet to do, is not yet to know”…What do you think about the squeeze page tutorial above? Let me know in a comment below…

Make Money Online Posting links in 4 Steps

Make Money Online Posting links in 4 Steps

Guest Post by KimoHow to make huge money online posting links, there are many ways to make money online posting links but i will show you the most effective and fastest growing opportunity on the internet. A lot of these way mean that you have to pay for some sort of service first. Well what i am about to reveal to you, is top secret and you won't have to spend a dime.#1 You need to find a place where you can post classifieds adsfor free,yes this is very important, after you locate that site you need to do a couple of things.#2 You need to select the items you are going to sell best way of finding good stuff is around your house, things that you are not using, important think like a buyer and seller at the same time.#3 Third step is to post constantly, all ways be shore to post you ads of different items all the time but avoid spamming or you could be banned, buy post frequently you are shore that your ads will be seen, the more your ad is seen the more chance you will make money, some of theseclassified ads site get more than 130,000 visitors per hour.#4 Attend garage sale a little unknown secret is garage sale, buy low and sell a bit higher keeping it cheap this is a good way of getting used stuff for sale people like used stuff because they know it is cheap so for this reason they will buy.Tips:*Post often*Avoid Spamming*Sell Cheap*Find Out what people are buying*Attend Garage sale*Research Research your market

6 Ways To Make Money Writing Online

6 Ways To Make Money Writing Online

Guest Post by Andy WaltonThere are more ways than you might think to make money by writing online. Whether you are yet to pen your first paid words or are an experienced author, you probably haven't thought of all the ways to exploit your talents. Here are my top 6 tips for paid online writing.Write for a rev share siteOpen an account on an advert-sharing site such as Wikinut - these sites make it easy for you to focus on the writing, as they will sort out the traffic and the advertising. As well as earning money for any new content you write, you be able to generate cash from any existing articles you've written. Plus you'll be able to build up an online portfolio within a community of online authors.Join a freelancing siteMiddlemen such as Elance will allow you to submit a profile to their site, and put you in touch with potential clients. They list a wealth of writing jobs, plus associated work such as translation and copy editing. They will help you to gain contract work with businesses from all over the world, and allow you to earn money by writing from home.Get in touch with old colleaguesUse professional networking sites such as LinkedIn to re-establish links with past work colleagues. Make sure you write a full profile of your skills and experience, and always add your latest CV. You'd be surprised at how often offers of work arise from your old acquaintances, so if you're just starting out as a writer work those connections.Write a blogIf you're brave enough to try something a little more technical why not create a blog for yourself? You can add targeted adverts using Google Adsense, which will automatically display adverts that are relevant to your content. You'll need to learn promotional skills to acquire traffic, so read up on SEO, guest posting and link building.Become a guest posterIf you do have a blog or other online content to promote, contact blog owners you respect and send them some example guest posts. Ensure you try to target your writing for their style, and always provide a short bio of yourself that includes a link back to your site. By building relationships with a few high traffic blogs you'll be putting your name before potentially huge audiences.

How to Make Money Online with Google

How to Make Money Online with Google

Guest Post by Osita ModozieThey are two ways to make money online with Google. One is through Google Adsense. The other is through Google Adwords. Google Adsense and Google Adwords are two products owned by Google.I will describe these products briefly so you can learn this way to do it.Google Adwords: this method is not free. Google Adwords is simply a Google advertising program. It is a pay per click advertising program. This simply means that you will have ads on google and whenever someone clicks on it you pay your chosen bid usually in cents. An example of this ad can seen when you make a search at Google, the sponsored links beside your search result. This is a method to do targeted advertising. The idea is to make money online through a combination of Google Adwords and affiliate program.Let me suppose you now know what Google Adwords is all about, but you do not know what affiliate program is all about. They are companies which will pay you to advertise their products and in return you will earn a fixed commission when someone you referred make a sale, lead, impression or click to their site, such method is referred to as affiliate program. I will describe this program in a more clarifying way. Let say I am selling tv. If my tv sells for $200, I may have an affiliate program where someone can sign up. What you will need to do is to simply sign up and start promoting my tv with the link I provide. When someone signs up, you will be paid their fixed commission.The thing there is to find an affiliate program that pays a good commission and advertise it at google adwords. This will not be an easy process, but it is possible. There are people in this game that generate thousands of dollars per month. If they can do it, why can’t you do it as well? Your first stop right now will be to select an affiliate program. When you have selected one, sign up at their affiliate page and get your link. The next stop is to sign up at google adwords. You will need to fund your account with a recommended capital of $100. You will need to create a website. If you are not ready to buy and host a site, you can as well use a free blogsite. An example of a free blogsite is blogger.After creating the blogger, create a blogpage where you will review the product of the affiliate program you have selected. You will need to review one product per blogpage. The next stop is to create a google ad using the link of your blogpage, fix your ad usually not greater than $0.20, sit back, relax and watch your money roll in.In order to succeed using this method to make it, you will need an internet marketing course. This course will enable you to kick aside the challenges in this system of making money. With it, you will be able to save money on advertising and make more money on profit. I urge you to get it if you want to succeed using this system.

Marketing Essentials

Marketing Essentials

Guest Post by Paul CentenoMarketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individuals’ and companies’ goals. Marketing starts with the organization’s mission, which is the process of fulfilling goals through the exchange of goods, services, and ideas.A marketing orientation is a customer focus that is embodied in a company’s mission and strategy. Marketing orientation is essential because it helps a company achieve its mission. The most important thing a company must do is pay attention to its customers to satisfy their needs, wants, and demands. A company should know the difference between stated needs, real needs, unstated needs, delight needs, and secret needs, and should provide many options to satisfy each need.The five approaches to marketing is production, product, selling, marketing, and societal marketing, and it is common that a company might change from one to another to stay competitive. In order to manage demand, marketers need to know the forms of demand and adapt marketing strategies to them. These include latent demand, increasing demand, irregular demand, full demand, overfull demand, declining demand, unwholesome demand, negative demand, and no demand.The marketing process begins by identifying the market opportunities that will best help the company achieve its mission. The opportunities are determined by knowing who the target customers are and why they should by “our” product instead of the competitors’. A business will have only two kinds of customers, individual and other businesses or organizations. A company should know the many forces that drive a customer to buy and the steps that lead them to their decision.Organization customers are different than individual customers because they buy the goods and services from one business that will help their own business. Basically, they are looking for the best possible deal. The three kinds of organizations are for-profit, institutions, and government, and they all have buying patterns which includes the straight rebuy, the modified rebuy, and the new task. Also, organizations differ from individuals when speaking of their purchasing decisions but, the buying process is similar for both of them.In order to have a continuous customer advantage, a company must sustain a competitive advantage that has meaning for their customers. The company should perform a competitive analysis, beginning with determining who their competitors are. There are both existing and potential competitors, and the most threatening are the potential rivals. Once a company knows who their competitors are, it needs to analyze the rivals’ strategies, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses. Also, a company can tell the level of danger of a competitor by how they respond to changes in the marketplace.The market strategy of a company will answer why the customers should buy their product instead of the competitors’. The main goals of the strategy is to understand the competitive advantage, how the product fulfills the customer’s needs, and ensures that the product does fulfill the customers’ expectations, needs, and desire. To achieve these goals, a company needs to know the target market’s size and behavior, the benefit of the product, and understand sales, profits, and budget.It is important for a company to decide what the product is, what the price will be, what place it will be sold in, and what promotions are needed. Differentiation is the act of distinguishing a company’s offering from competitors’ offerings in ways that are meaningful to customers. Positioning is determining and communicating the central benefit of the product in the minds of target buyers. A company must always remember that all products have a life cycle and eventually the product will decline.Marketing communications is essential because it tells the target market about the availability, benefits, and price of the product. The most effective marketing communication is advertising because it allows the public to view and hear of the product from multiple places at any time of the day. Another type of marketing is a sells person that has to call and persuade a person buy the product.Author Bio:Paul Centeno is a young entrepreneur who has been in the business of making money online for almost two years, and he has succeeded in a few home businesses. Now he has decided to show people, step by step, how to make money on the internet at no cost with a brand new website and newsletter. If you want to know more about his Free program, please go to

Freelancing for Big Bucks

Freelancing for Big Bucks

Guest Post by Tynnisha Hamilton
Due to worldwide economic slump in effect today, more and more people are now going online to hunt for other sources of income to fill their needs. The internet offers a wide array of online jobs to choose from, and one of the most popular jobs is freelancing.
Contrary to what many believe, freelancing can be an extremely lucrative, income-generating job. Here, the market features quite a number of sites that offer numerous lists of online writing jobs that guarantee big bucks. You can earn a lot of money, as long as you put your heart and effort into it and spend hours online scouring the list of jobs on the market. The more jobs you take, the more money you will earn. A beginning freelancer can earn from 500 to 6,000 a month and once you get the hang of it, you can earn even more than that.
What makes freelancing so popular is that you are able to work on your own your time, set your own pace and decide how much you want to earn—as long as it is reachable of course. It is impractical to set an income goal way above your earning capability.
Freelancing saves you from the burden of going to and from a workplace since you’ll be free to work from home. You do not have to look professional—you can work in your underwear if you want! There is no superior to boss you around and matter how you look, as long as you are working and giving quality work, you will surely earn a lot. Remember, in freelancing, you will only earn if you work.
Just a piece of advice, though: get only the job that fits your field of expertise. There are many freelancers who grab every opportunity that they find interesting. The result: they end up submitting low-quality works, thus lowering their writing status and their earnings. Although quantity means more money, those earnings can be reduced based on the quality work that you are submitting. Quality work, rather than quantity, guarantees long term income because customers and employers will look for you to work on their future projects.

Top 3 Reasons to Start Your Online Business with Acme People Search

Top 3 Reasons to Start Your Online Business with Acme People Search

By Chad TimmsWhen it comes to working online you have many choices and there is always some new program that many online gurus are promoting. My journey to make money online started in April of 2008. I joined a few online businesses and then ended up quitting. It was not necessarily because the online business opportunities were scams or anything like that they were just difficult to learn and I was new.I then stumbled upon Tissa Godavitarne’s acme people search business. I can still remember 2 years later doing a search in Google for affiliate programs. I saw an ad that said affiliate programs rock and the ad also read how I made 2.2 million dollars from one affiliate program. Well this caught my attention and I ended up reading Tissa Godavitarne’s sales page. He had a letter from Google on their congratulating him on all the traffic that had been sent to his sight and he also had his 1099 tax information for his 2.2 million dollar commissions. He also talked about how he had spent $600,000 dollars in advertising to make that money. This obviously caught my attention.It is 2 years later and I am still part of acme people search and I love it. Why? Because it is a real online business where you can make money. It is not a get rich quick scheme but a real business with real products that are in demand.So here are my top 3 reasons to join Tissa Godavitarne’s acme people search.1. There is real demand for the products and you get all the tools you need upon joining.2. After you make $75 in referral fees you are paid a $125 guaranteed bonus.3. You have full support and training at your fingertips to learn how to earn online.So if you are searching for a real online business that does not have a bunch of smoke and mirror promises then join Tissa Godavitarne’s acme people search business today.

FREE Live Event – Easy, Legit Way to Make Money Online

FREE Live Event – Easy, Legit Way to Make Money Online

If you are not making money online yet and want to learn one of the most effective ways to do so – you need to attend this free, live online training event.

Join Now - Free.

Event Date: Thursday, April 8th

Event Time: 8 PM EDT LIVE

The special event speaker will be Michael S. Brown.

Michael left his full time job in 2008 to begin working full time from home on an affiliate marketing business.

He was able to do this in his spare time and now he's teaching other's to do the EXACT same thing.

He's even allowing me to give away a special $197 training module for everyone who attends the live event. The special module will help you kick start your own online profit streams without any prior experience.

It's yours for just coming to this and listening to his presentation.

Again, the registration link is.

Join Now - Free.

Event Date: Thursday, April 8th

Event Time: 8 PM EDT - LIVE

Michael has also agreed to answer EVERY question asked by the audience as well! So ask anything you'd like and Michael will take the time to actually answer it for you live on the air.

Be sure to set aside a small amount of time and get in on this live money making event and learn how Michael is earning a living on line and how you can too.

Register now free!

Event Date: Thursday, April 8th

Event Time: 8 PM EDT LIVE

See you LIVE on the event!

How to Use Google Buzz to Promote Your Online Business

How to Use Google Buzz to Promote Your Online Business

Google Buzz is a new social network site. It is just few month old but already attracted tons of people joining it. Certainly this is going to be another social networking platform that you can take advantage to promote your website and business and generate traffic.If generating traffic through social networking site is your favorite traffic-generating method, Google Buzz is going to be interesting to you. I'm sure you want to make use of Google Buzz for marketing and branding. Joel Comm has recently written a report about how you can use Google Buzz for your online business. The report is just 31 pages with useful content and it's easy to read. Good for you if you want to learn more about marketing with Google Buzz.You can download a free copy of Joel's Google Buzz report right away at: is no opt-in needed to get the report. Just click the above link and you'll see the download button. Click the button and the report will show up.Enjoy reading!

How to Make Money The Right Way With Niche Markets

How to Make Money The Right Way With Niche Markets

Guest Post by Darrell LischkaWhen I first started off learning about SEO and all the various strategies on building an online business, I have to say I was very confused on exactly where and what to focus my time on. You see, I found a lot of websites provided superficial advice, but really lacked the substance when it came to telling or showing me, a step by step approach. Can you relate?
Depending on which advice you follow, it will be the difference between making money online or not. Like any business, yes even an internet marketing business, you need to invest time in learning some new skill sets.
Why is the Failure Rate so high in Internet Marketing
There are many factors that contribute to the failure rate. However, I found one of the core reasons people fail, is because of the wrong keyword strategy. Based on all the crap I have seen and read, it really comes to down to your initial keyword selection as the pivotal point for success or failure.
Ok, lets just cut to the chase and make this simple. Stop chasing big keywords like, make money online and home based business when you are just starting out.
So, what is the right keyword strategy?
Laser Targeted Niche Markets
Let's look at a concrete example on what I mean by drilling down in your niche market.
First, go to Google's free keyword tool selector here.
Step 1 - enter a primary keyword like, home based business
Step 2 - look down your list to see all the long tail keywords
Step 3 - Say you pick, starting a home based business
Step 4 - Now take that long tail keyword and enter that phrase above where you initially entered home based business to get new results.
Step 5 - This is what I call drilling down in your niche market. You will get a whole new list of long tail keywords and results.
Step 6 - You keep drilling down until you find a long tail keyword that has low competition, yet still has reasonable monthly search results.
There are several pieces of information that you need to keep in mind when deciding on long tail keywords. First, I look for monthly search results in the range of at least 1k to 5k. Sure you could have more, but this is just an example and its a good starting place. Second, I need to see what the actual competition is going to be. So, enter that long tail keyword term in quotation marks. With quotation marks, it will give me a clearer picture of what my true competition is like. Third, when looking at the search results, I am looking for results on page 1 with actual articles and not just the home page showing up.
Here's why I look for articles in my results. I know that beating an article on page 1 will typically be easier than trying to out rank a website. I won't stop there either, because one other element you need to know about is the number of back links or strength of the results on page 1.
Go to Google first, enter the following format in the search field: and hit enter
You don't need the http or www part, but you need to enter that format. This is constantly in flux, so the results that you see, will not be 100% accurate or up to date. For example, say your results come back showing that particular URL has 10 back links showing on Google. You know that it will require some work. However, if no results show up, meaning no back links show up, then its a good indicator initially, that you may have found a low competitive term that you could easily rank for on page 1.
Now go to Yahoo, do the same thing with the link format above. In Yahoo, you will typically see more results, which is good. Because now I have a better picture on how many back links are showing up for that particular URL. If your results only show a few back links in Yahoo, then it might be a good indicator that again this is a good keyword phrase to go after.
One other point before moving on about the number of back links, is to keep in mind where the actual back links are coming from. If they happen to be coming from a site that is on page 1 and say with a page rank of 6 or 7, then you should realize that its a very strong back link. Page rank is not as important as it used to be, but its still an indicator that Google will factor in.
Is your Niche Market Profitable?
Just a couple of things to keep in mind when you are looking at your results to decide whether or not a particular keyword or phrase is worthwhile to go after or not. We need to analyze how profitable it will be. After your initial results, you will see a number of columns and results. Just below the captcha form, you will see something called, "Choose columns to display". On the drop down menu, select "Show Estimated Avg. CPC." This will show you what advertisers are willing to pay per click.
Also, beside the Global Monthly Search Volume, there is another drop menu called, "Match Type". You should click on that and select Exact. You want to know exactly how many searches there are per month.
As a general rule of thumb, I will only go with CPC value's higher than $1. In many cases, it will need to be $2 and above. The reason is because you will only get a small percentage of that amount when someone clicks on the ad. For example, say you pick a term that gets $1 per click. Expect to only get 10 or 20 cents for that click. Hence, the reason for not going after ads lower than that value. Yes, you certainly can, but how many clicks will you need to get if you only receive 5 cents versus 50 cents or $1 per click?
Lets look at an example of how I would calculate whether or not my long tail keyword is viable or not.
Going back to the above example using "starting a home based business", I see there are 2400 searches per month. Now take that figure and multiple it by the CPC value to get an overall initial value.
2400 x $3.62 per click = $8688
I know that this value is not our total potential from an internet marketing aspect. In actuality, we won't ever get 100% of that value. If we are in the number 1 position, we get approximately 40% give or take a few percentage points.
Our new revised figure;
$2400 x $3.62 = $8688 x (40%) = $3475.20 potential
Wait, there's still more to this calculation. We will only see a percentage from the $3475.20 because Google will get their cut etc. So, in reality, we are likely going to get anywhere from 10 to 25% of that amount and only about 5% of people coming to our site for that keyword term will even click on an Ad.
$3475.20 x 25% = $868.80 x 5% = $43.44
You might be thinking, that's a lot of work for $43 bucks a month and you would be right. But you need to look at the overall strategy and what we would actually do. That's only 1 long tail keyword phrase. It doesn't include the dozens of other related terms you could go after. What if over time, you had page 1 rankings on 20, 30, or more keyword terms?
30 terms x $43.44 = $1303.20 monthly potential
What I look at is the total potential value of all the keywords added up in that particular niche. Remember, some of the long tail keywords you go after might only take a handful of backlinks to get ranked on page 1. I haven't even talked about niche marketing strategies using affiliate products or other Ad companies like Chitika. You see, this is just 1 strategy, but the nice thing about once you are ranking on page 1, you won't need to do a lot to stay there. You may stay there and never have to do another thing with getting back links or you might occasionally have to write up an article and post it at an article directory for another back link.
The point of using Google Adsense, is once you achieve your page 1 results, many times you can set it and forget it. The money will keep rolling in and you move onto other projects. That's why I like Adsense. However, its not the only thing you should include as a strategy in your niche marketing.
There are times when I will go after a term and use an affiliate product like article spinners as an example. My Adsense revenue might be 50 cents or $1 per click, but selling 1 article rewriter might bring in $30 for a sale. You can go to Clickbank and open an account. They have thousands of products to choose from. There are all kinds of good affiliate programs that you can promote.
Well, that wraps up another monster post from me. I hope you understand the value of going after laser targeted niche markets and the peace of mind it will offer you over the long term.
To learn how to dramatically increase your article marketing efforts and get more back links...

have a web page in one minute !!

have a web page in one minute !!

If you have a web page you can get money from it by advertise with Google adsense.In condition of following Google adsense rulessimply if you can work in MS word and you have full version with FrontPage or you can download a fresh version of share point for free from Microsoft.After installing it now you can easily open it click on align left write your site header as you do in Microsoft word you can insert a horizontal line. After that, You can put the mouse click after the line and click on Html code tab from the bottom aria and now you will see the pointer flashing in somewhere you can add your Google adsense code here so it will appear under the horizontal line then you can back to design view and write the content you prepared to your page.Don’t forget putting back links to your sub-pages and vise versa in sub-pages you have to put inks to your home page whice you must name it index.htm.You must save the main page (index) and it's sub-pages in one folder.This is an entrance to this world and the next time I will prepare some photos to be easy to learn.
now you can upload your file to your main dir in your server

have a web page in one minute !!

have a web page in one minute !!

If you have a web page you can get money from it by advertise with Google adsense.In condition of following Google adsense rulessimply if you can work in MS word and you have full version with FrontPage or you can download a fresh version of share point for free from Microsoft.After installing it now you can easily open it click on align left write your site header as you do in Microsoft word you can insert a horizontal line. After that, You can put the mouse click after the line and click on Html code tab from the bottom aria and now you will see the pointer flashing in somewhere you can add your Google adsense code here so it will appear under the horizontal line then you can back to design view and write the content you prepared to your page.Don’t forget putting back links to your sub-pages and vise versa in sub-pages you have to put inks to your home page whice you must name it index.htm.You must save the main page (index) and it's sub-pages in one folder.This is an entrance to this world and the next time I will prepare some photos to be easy to learn.
now you can upload your file to your main dir in your server

have a web page in one minute !!

have a web page in one minute !!

If you have a web page you can get money from it by advertise with Google adsense.In condition of following Google adsense rulessimply if you can work in MS word and you have full version with FrontPage or you can download a fresh version of share point for free from Microsoft.After installing it now you can easily open it click on align left write your site header as you do in Microsoft word you can insert a horizontal line. After that, You can put the mouse click after the line and click on Html code tab from the bottom aria and now you will see the pointer flashing in somewhere you can add your Google adsense code here so it will appear under the horizontal line then you can back to design view and write the content you prepared to your page.Don’t forget putting back links to your sub-pages and vise versa in sub-pages you have to put inks to your home page whice you must name it index.htm.You must save the main page (index) and it's sub-pages in one folder.This is an entrance to this world and the next time I will prepare some photos to be easy to learn.
now you can upload your file to your main dir in your server

Advanced SEO Techniques

Advanced SEO Techniques

There are 3 rules that you MUST follow to make your site a success.1. Only target keywords that are receiving traffic2. Only target keywords that have a commercial value.3. Target keywords with a low enough competition.These 3 rules may seem obvious, but it is because one or all of them are ignored that so many sites fail.SEO is the art of getting traffic to your site by optimising the on page content and off page links to your site.1. Keyword Research: Need to brainstorm exactly what your target market is typing into Google. All Search Engine Optimisation starts here. Good keyword research is a vital factor in SEO2. Create a Local Business Listing. With this you should easily be able to get highly ranked for your business and your local area. (If you aren't running a conventional business with a specific geographical location, then this will not be necessary)3. Link Building. Probably the most important part.Create a large number of powerful backlinks to your site.4. RSS feeds. The majority of websites, directories and blogs have RSS feeds. If they don't then they can be created. These need to be submitted to the top 40 or so feed directories. These feed directories themselves have feeds which can be submitted! Feeds only need to be submitted once and automatically updateCreating blogs, articles and feeds produces a large network of linking, gives your optimisation a backbone, then whenever content is added within the network the feeds are automatically updated. Google loves it.5. Publish Press Releases. Each time you launch a new product or service, or just have an announcement then get it out as a press release. PR sites vary, some are free some you have to pay for but they are another great source of traffic and link juice.6. Bookmark site pages, blogs and articles on the social bookmarking scene.7. Utilise Twitter and Facebook to continue building reputation and customers. Twitter is just going to grow and grow, would be mad not to start using it properly right now. This can be automated to an extent.8. If you aren't already doing this then start building a list (email list - customers and potential customers). Would be a good idea to have a monthly newsletter for your customers, another great way to maintain contact and create a long term relationship with your customers, as well as informing them of any news in your sector or company. This would have to be an 'opt-in' list where the customers click a link to confirm they want to join the list. This eliminates any accusations of SPAM, and there will be an 'unsubscribe' link with every message sent.9. Then there are the on-page factors. This would include tweaking the content to optimise for a particular keyword. Employing 'nofollow' tags in your pages to control the flow of page rank, for instance putting a 'nofollow' tag on links to your T's and C's would stop any page rank flowing to this page, but would still allow customers to click on it and view it.We can also manage all the content for you. Write articles, blogs, site content, newsletters....anything! You may wish to do this yourself, and that is good too!

Affiliate Marketing, Your Business, and Taxes

Affiliate Marketing, Your Business, and Taxes

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes. Be it an on-line business or an off-line business,it is always wise to research this area before getting starting. As you may know,the IRS does not excuse ignorance of the law. Thus, I hope this Intro to your tax responsibilities will answer some of the first questions that you may have -- and will encourage additional questions and research.Your Affiliate Business and TaxesBy Vickie J. ScanlonStarting a home-based business on the Internet is easy you say.You have your web page built, your affiliate links and you'reready to go. Not really, you need to make sure you have all youri's and t's crossed when it comes to taxes.Getting StartedFirst, you will need to register your business name withthe city government. When I registered my business name with thecity I was charged $11 -- so expect to pay a small fee when filingthis legal document with your local government.Second, you need to apply for an Employer IdentificationNumber with the Department of the Treasury (IRS). To file for an EIN,you will need to complete Form SS-4. You can find these formsin post offices, public libraries, online, or by contacting the IRS.Once you receive this document, keep it in a safe place -- in otherwords, don't crumple, stomp, or throw away -- this identifies youand your business with the U.S. government and you will need this numberwhen you file your taxes.Third, you will need to check with your state government to determineif you need any specific licenses. Such as Retail Sales Tax Permit --if you are planning on selling items offline or online.Fourth, you may want to open a Business Account at your local bankonce the money starts to roll in. Keeping your money separate fromyour family account -- helps you to keep your accounting accuratefor your business.What percentage of your income will go toyour State and Federal Government?You will need to pay the following taxes, at the following rate,on a quarterly basis:States Taxes -- 3.7%Federal Taxes -- 11.3%Social Security -- 12.4%Medicare -- 2.9%The first year in business is difficult, because you have no ideawhat you will be making--You will need to make a conservative guess.However, you will only pay what you owe against that of yourexpenses (your net income). For example, if you believe you will have$3000 in expenses during the year -- and you believe in your first year,you will make $6000-- you would report the following:$6000 (Money Made)- $3000 (Expenses) = $3000 (What you owe)This amount would be divided among the four quarters within the yearand paid to your State Government and the Federal Government.If you find that you will be making more and you have paidin for one quarter -- you will have to adjust the balanceand divid it between the remaining quarters.The following is what you will submit to the Federal Government:1) Federal Taxes-11.3%, 2) Social Security-12.4%, and 3) Medicarepayment-2.9%.The State Government will receive only the 3.7% of your netearned income.(Please note: If you are unsure about anything, you should enlist thehelp of a CPA, regarding tax matters).Your estimated taxes are due on the following datesthroughout the year:April 15June 15September 15January 15To obtain more specific information you can read IRSPublication 505: Estimated Tax payments.Note: You are not required to make estimated tax paymentsuntil you have income not subject to withholdingon which you will owe tax. If you don't makeyour first payment until a later period, youmust divide your entire estimated tax by thenumber of payment dates remaining. If, for example, youhave three payment dates pending, you would pay one thirdof the total tax by June 15, the other third bySeptember 15 and the last by January 15.Typical Expenses To DeductHere is a list of some of the expenses you can deduct.1. Your home mortgage -- If you use a room solely forconducting business then you can take this deduction.There are a couple of different formulas to determinethe percentage of your home that is used for your business.You can use the "number of rooms" method or the "area method".I would suggest using the "area method" because I can't imaginehaving a home where all the rooms are the same size.With the area method, you would take the area of your homeoffice divided by the area of your home. Example:Your Office= 10' X 10' = 100 square feetYour home is 1000 square feetYour deduction = 100/1000 or 10%2. Indirect Expenses -- with indirect expenses you will onlybe able to deduct the area percentage (Note: use area percentagecalculated above) of the total cost. These indirect expenseswould include such things as:House paymentUtilitiesTelephoneGarbage collectionInternet connection (If other people are using the Intenet)3. Direct Expenses -- these are expenses that relate only to yourbusiness.SuppliesAdvertisingBusiness account bank chargesKeeping Track of ExpensesTo keep track of all your expenses. and you are comfortable workingwith a spreadsheet software, I would suggest purchasing a smallbusiness accounting package such as QuickBooks or PeachtreeAccounting. To conclude, this definitely is not an exhaustive list ofwhat you need to know. However, this will giveyou a beginning as to what you will have to be awareof when starting a home-based business. As yourbusiness grows, your CPA will be able to assistyou and keep you on the straight and narrow to yoursuccess on the Internet.

My On-line Journey -- Where Do I Begin?

My On-line Journey -- Where Do I Begin?

Many people want to begin their journey on-line, but do not know how, or what needs to be done to get their web site on-line. I was one of many, that was looking for such a presence on-line.I hope this article answers some questions you may have -- and possibly get you started in the right direction.Your Affiliate Web Site Is Built – Now What? When I first got my web site built, I thought I finally I hada presence on-line. Wrong! I soon found out that I needed someoneto host my site, and I needed a domain name.This, I found, was my moment of utter confusion. And myfirst thought was – “What have I gotten myself into!?”I realized I needed the following questions answered before Icould even begin my on-line journey. What do I need in a web host,what is a web host, what is a domain name and – youmean, I have to pay for a domain name as well?What is a Domain?A domain name is a unique name that identifies an Internet site.Thus, if you want to do any on-line marketing you need a uniquename to identify your business – and definitely a name thatidentifies or relates to that of your on-line presence.Do I really need a domain name? Yes. Why? There areseveral good reasons:1. It projects a professional image2. It’s mobile – you can change web hosts and your domainname goes with you.3. It takes time and hard work to build your affiliate business – if youdon’t have your own name and you want to move to adifferent web host – all is lost because the domain name is not mobile.There are many sites that give you an opportunity to buy a domain with your website. However,if you're confused about domains and subdomain- read Domain and Subdomains on my website.What is A Web Host?A web host is an ISP that offers space in which to store yourown personal Web pages. They utilize a web server, whichis a computer that is permanently connected to the Internet andcan send out your web pages on request.If you want a professional presence, I would suggest that youdo not go with a free site. Why? With your free site, youare required to include advertisements of theirchoosing on your pages.There are many web hosting sites and prices to choose from – and allcan be very confusing and intimidating when you are firstlooking at putting up a site of your own. So, what should youconsider when choosing a web host?What to Consider When You Choose a Web Host?When choosing a Web Host you should consider the following:1. Does it have customer support available 24/7?2. How often are backups done? (You should also doyour own backups as well.)3. How much bandwidth do they give you? Bandwidth isthe amount of activity on your site (traffic). The morevisitors you have, the more bandwidth is used.I recommend at least 2 gigs, with an option to upgrade.4. How many email accounts do they have? At least 3, preferably more.5. Does it have traffic stats – to monitor your hits, page views, and actual visitors?6. Does it have FrontPage extensions? (If you are planning to use FrontPage).7. Does it offer autoresponders?8. Does it offer FTP?9. Does it allow for upgrades? As your business grows, so willyour need for more bandwidth.10. Does it offer SiteBuilder? (If you have no HTML experience/don’thave FrontPage, or no programming knowledge – SiteBuildercan get you up and running.To conclude, remember your web site is your business, yourdomain is your name, and your web host is your home – allare important factors to your success. And to think, youonly getting started!