Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

How To Profit With Article Marketing

How To Profit With Article Marketing

Article Marketing is one of the best ways to get targeted traffic to your website. The secrets of a successful campaign can be broken down into these points: 1. The topic of your article If your article's topic is a hot topic, there should be many webmasters that will use your article as his/her website content. This eventually will increase targeted traffic to your website. However, if your target readers cannot be reach by an article with hot topics, then you should try to blend hot topics with your own topic. For example, you are targeting people who are looking for 'Alternative Medicine'. In this case, maybe you could blend 'bankruptcy with alternative medicine' with an article with title like this. "It doesn't take a bankruptcy to get yourself cured" Provided, 'bankruptcy' is a hot topic, which is hunted by many webmasters. It's a pretty plain title, but I just want to show you an easy to understand example. In this article you could talk about how expensive health care can be, or about how it could lead people to acquiring loan or self-bankruptcy. And then, you can explain about alternative medicine that will not cost you a fortune. Please bear in mind that many webmasters publish other people's article in order to get revenue from PPC ads. Since the most well-known PPC ads is Google Adsense, then you should test what kind of ads your article shows. In case, of the article above, you want your article to show ads about bankruptcy or loan (which has a high PPC value) instead of alternative medicine. 2. The quality of your article There are two factors that determine the quality of your article: a. How much it benefits your readers. This is related to the content of the article itself. Write something that gives valuable information to your reader. Bear in mind that if your readers feel that they got valuable information by reading your article, then you've actually pre-sold them. By this time, they are hot enough to get another promotion of whatever products you have. b. How much it benefits your article's publishers. This related to what kind of PPC ads your article shows and/or how it can be used as part of SEO. You can increase this quality factor by increasing the condense of high-paying keywords. 3. The quality of article directories where you submit your article Webmasters usually finds articles at a well-known article directories. Submitting to the right article directories will bring difference to your article marketing campaign. 4. The quantity of article directories where you submit your article As you submit your article to many articles directories, the chance that your article will be picked up by another webmasters will increase. Keep in mind all the secrets I have just shared with you when you are conducting your article marketing campaign. The success will follow.

1 komentar:

  1. Hello Admin,
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    Please do it as soon as possible. And don't do this in future, please.
